Hi All,
Here's a list of simple but compelling exercises that you might read or do during this Holy Week. They are opportunities and food for thought, a chance to walk the whole walk of Holy Week. Poke around, see if one of these works better for you...this story is your story! See yourself in it.
Morning and Evening Prayer services with appropriate readings for each day.
Live streams of services from St. Thomas's, 5th Ave and other congregations
Video Sermons and Hymn Texts from the Brothers at the Society of St. John the Evangelist
Follow the Holy Week blogging of the "Internet Monk"
A series of family activities for those with young children.
You can also follow @Virtual_Abbey on Twitter to participate in their brief services
If you have another link for a devotional source you like to do or a family tradition that you'd like to share, please post them in the comment section!