Welcome to the St. Alban's Reading Blog!

With you, St. Alban’s clergy will be reading the latest short daily passages from Show Me The Way by Henri J.M. Nouwen, and we will be offering our comments here. You are invited to post your thoughts as well. Please sign your name to any postings you make.

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Monday, March 18, 2013

In our first passage from Nouwen for today, he indicates that it is "false ways of obtaining love" that keep us bound to anxiety and violence.

It's amazing how easily we can get ourselves confused.  It's not even that we are confused about what love is, instinctually we already know that.  It's the false way of getting there...a way that is inauthentic to what the love actually is when it is graciously and freely bestowed.  True love can't be coerced or demanded, you can't get there by anything other than honest means.

It's like what our prayer for the day says.  Taken from Psalm 25, it points out that "Integrity and generosity are marks of Yahweh."  Seeking love in a way that compromises our own integrity is is one of those false ways of getting there.  But if we can get there, if we can experience genuine love of others and genuine love of God, then we are taking steps on the journey for each of us towards new life.

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