Welcome to the St. Alban's Reading Blog!

With you, St. Alban’s clergy will be reading the latest short daily passages from Show Me The Way by Henri J.M. Nouwen, and we will be offering our comments here. You are invited to post your thoughts as well. Please sign your name to any postings you make.

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Diet for the Soul

It is dangerous to drive past Whole Foods on your commute.  It means that I frequently find myself stopping there after a long day of work for a fast, ready-made dinner from their salad/soup/hot bar.  I tell myself that while I may be busting my budget doing so, at least it’s healthy/organic/local etc.  Like lots of folks, I’m trying to make healthier more conscious choices about what I eat.  And when you shop at the Whole Foods, you find yourself surrounded by folks who think it’s really important to pay attention to what you put into your body.

What if we took the same care with what we put into our minds?  And our souls?  It was 1992 when Nouwen wrote this excerpt mentioning the “garbage” of advertisements, tv, and radio.  I mean, we’re talking pre-reality tv days.  I wonder what Nouwen would say about our media consumption today?  I’ll admit to watching reality tv myself (HGTV design shows anyone?), but I’ll also admit that I feel much more rested, refreshed, and renewed if I spend that time with a good book or, better yet, saying a portion of the daily office (and you can helpfully find it all put together for you here!).  Today’s reading reminds me that how I feel is all about the care I take and the choices I make about what to put into my mind and soul.


  1. How true, Kelly! There is so little that is "edifying" on TV (I am eagerly awaiting the next installment of Downton Abbey, however!) that I have taken to reading more in the evening. SO much better for the soul! More calming and thought provoking. Especially at this time of year it is great to turn off the noise of TV and just sink into a good book!

    Wish I lived closer to Whole Foods, by the way!

  2. Reading more and watching less tv is a goal I'd like to achieve. At this point, I'm very "via media" (the middle way) and trying to find a balance which is necessary in the life of a Libra!

  3. Marjorie Manning VaughanDecember 6, 2012 at 12:57 PM

    I'm finding that the quiet of the early morning is when I am most productive doing anything and everything. I really love the quiet time. But even during the silence of the day I find myself much too into doing something like cleaning the house, working on a project, writing poetry and not doing enough on the receiving end of my God and me relationship that I am continually trying to build/accept/enjoy/ponder. During this season of Advent I have given myself permission to stop and smell the roses, enjoy getting to know my God through an ever growing relationship and to offer up simplicity in prayer--not saying or thinking much just prayer in the silence on the receiving end rather than trying to control the "conversation". Just taking it in with every breath that God gives me.
